5 Things You Will Not See At CPAC This Year

Conservatives have boycotted and cancelled a lot of things over the past few years, below are a few companies, products and people you will not see at CPAC this year.

Conservatives boycotted the NFL because they wouldn’t fire players who knelt during the national anthem to raise awareness of police violence against black people.

Anything or anyone from the NFL


Sean Hannity defended Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore despite many allegations of sexually assaulting children, so Keurig pulled their commercials from his show. Conservatives responded by publicly destroying their coffee makers.

Keurig Coffee

Keurig Coffee

After France refused to help the USA invade Iraq, Republican Bob Ney renamed French fries to freedom fries in three Congressional cafeterias. Several Conservative-run restaurants followed suit.

French Fries

French Fries

Liz Cheney was one of the few Republicans to publicly criticize Donald Trump’s crimes, vote to have him impeached, and admit that he fairly lost the 2020 election. Because of this, several prominent Republicans called for her resignation and worked to strip her of her political authority.

Liz Cheney

Liz Cheney

After hiring Colin Kaepernick, Conservatives were publicly burning Nike shoes.


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For a complete list of items that have been cancelled by conservatives over the years and the reason why, visit this website.

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