Representative Greene, an elected House of Representative member, from Georgia, has claimed that eye floaters are spy devices planted by a foreign country to monitor Americans every move.
In an interview with a local news outlet, Greene said, “I have reason to believe that eye floaters are not just random spots in our vision. They are actually tiny cameras placed inside our eyes by foreign countries to spy on us.”
When asked to provide evidence to support her claim, Greene cited anonymous sources and alleged that leading optometrists are part of a vast conspiracy to keep this information from the public. “Why would the deep state want to cover this up”, she said.

Greene’s claims have been met with widespread ridicule and disbelief from the scientific community. Leading experts have repeatedly stated that eye floaters are harmless and are caused by small particles in the vitreous, the clear gel-like substance that fills the inside of the eye.
“This is simply not true,” said Dr. Tony Fawchi, an optometrist in Atlanta. “Eye floaters are a common occurrence and are not caused by any foreign country. Representative Greene’s claims are baseless and should not be taken seriously.”
Despite the backlash, Greene has remained adamant in her belief, and has called for an investigation into the alleged spy devices. She has also urged her followers to report any suspicious eye floaters to the authorities.
The reaction to Greene’s latest conspiracy theory has been mixed. While some of her supporters have applauded her for finally speaking out, others have expressed concern about her mental health and fitness to hold public office.
In the meantime, the scientific community has urged the public to disregard Greene’s claims and seek proper medical attention if they experience any vision problems.