About The Folly Times - The Folly Times

About The Folly Times

Welcome to The Folly Times, your go-to source for news that doesn’t take itself too seriously because, let’s face it, the world is absurd enough already. We specialize in scoops of satire, slivers of sarcasm, and dollops of dry humor, with a hint of dad jokes all layered into a cake of cutting-edge commentary.

Why? Because in a world where headlines often read like punchlines and vice versa, we’re your satirical safety net, catching you before you fall into a spiral of news-induced despair.

At The Folly Times, we believe in the power of laughter to expose the farcical, the absurd, and the downright ridiculous elements of human society.

Our crack team of journalists, or should we say jest-ournalists, are experts at tickling your funny bone while making you ponder why things are the way they are.

So go ahead, explore our laughable lexicon of news that’s so outlandish, it could almost be true.

With Occasional Laughs,
The Folly Times Team