Italian plumbers around the world have banded together to cancel the iconic Super Mario Brothers movie. The reason? According to the plumbers, the movie is a grossly inaccurate portrayal of their profession and perpetuates negative stereotypes about their mustaches.
“We’re sick and tired of being depicted as bumbling fools who spend their days jumping on mushrooms and saving princesses,” said Luigi Moretti, a spokesperson for the Italian Plumbers Association. “The reality is, our job is much more mundane than that. We fix pipes and unclog toilets, but you wouldn’t know that from watching that ridiculous movie.”
The plumbers are particularly incensed about the way the movie portrays their facial hair. “What’s with the mustaches?” asked Moretti. “Not all plumbers have mustaches, and certainly not ones that look like that. It’s offensive.”
The backlash against the movie has been swift and fierce. Plumbers have taken to social media to voice their displeasure, using the hashtag #NotMyMario. They have also organized protests outside movie theaters, demanding that the film be removed from circulation.
“We’re not asking for much,” said Moretti. “We just want our profession to be accurately represented. And maybe, just maybe, we could do without the silly Italian accents.”
Despite the outcry, it’s unclear whether the plumbers will be successful in their efforts to cancel the movie. Super Mario Brothers has been a beloved cultural touchstone for over three decades, and its influence can be seen everywhere from video games to clothing to theme parks.
“It’s a shame that some people can’t appreciate the joy that Super Mario Brothers has brought to millions of fans around the world,” said Mario Rossi, a lifelong fan of the franchise. “Sure, it may not be a perfect representation of the plumbing profession, but it’s not meant to be taken seriously. It’s just good, clean fun.”
Others have been less sympathetic to the plumbers’ complaints. “It’s just a movie, for crying out loud,” said film critic Carla Giordano. “If they’re so upset about it, they should just ignore it and move on. It’s not like anyone actually thinks that plumbers are like Mario and Luigi.”
Despite the controversy, the Italian Plumbers Association remains steadfast in its determination to cancel the movie. “We’re not going to rest until our profession is accurately represented in popular culture,” said Moretti. “And if that means taking on the likes of Mario and Luigi, then so be it.”