Leaked Audio: Pope Francis Tells Inappropriate Joke at Jimmy John’s, Involving a Nickel and a Pickle

A leaked audio clip from 2015 has surfaced that reveals a disturbing interaction between Pope Francis, a customer at Jimmy John’s when he visited the United States, and one of the employees. The clip allegedly features Pope Francis making an inappropriate request involving a whole pickle he had ordered from the sandwhich restaurant.

According to sources, the incident occurred several years ago when Pope Francis entered Jimmy John’s and ordered a whole pickle, a popular side-item at the sandwhich shop. As he waited for his order, he began chatting with one of the employees, and things quickly took a bizarre turn.

It was during this conversation that Pope Francis reportedly made the shocking request. “I’ll give you a nickel if you tickle my pickle,” he allegedly said, referring to the large dill pickle he had just ordered.

The employee was understandably taken aback by the comment and immediately reported it to their supervisor. However, no action was taken at the time, and the incident was soon forgotten.

The leaked audio clip has brought the incident back into the public eye, causing outrage and disgust among many people. Jimmy John’s has issued a statement condemning Pope Francis’s behavior and promising to take action against any form of harassment or inappropriate conduct towards its employees, regardless of the person being inappropriate.

In response to the incident, Jimmy John’s has also announced that they will be reviewing and updating their policies and training programs to ensure that all employees are equipped to handle and prevent situations like this in the future.

One thing is certain, an inappropriate sophomoric joke told by a Pope is clearly not on the same level as what the Dalai Lama is apologizing for today. The Dalai Lama apologized after video asking child to ‘suck’ his tongue sparked outcry. “His Holiness (Dalai Lama) often teases people he meets in an innocent and playful way, even in public and before cameras,” the statement said.

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