
Recent Poll Suggests UFC Fans Prefer New Candidate ‘Brandon’ Over Trump or Biden

MIAMI, FL – A recent poll of attendees at the UFC 287 event in Miami showed that former President Donald Trump is more popular than current President Joe Biden among fight fans when it comes to the 2024 presidential race. However, a surprising new candidate named Brandon appears to be gaining momentum, as chants of “Let’s Go Brandon” drowned out those who were cheering “USA! USA!” at the event after Trump was shown on the Jumbotron.

The poll, conducted by the “Fight Fans for a Better America” organization, asked attendees who they would support in the 2024 presidential election. The results showed that Trump had the support of 64% of the attendees, while Biden had the support of only 23%.

As the night went on, chants of “Let’s Go Brandon” started to break out across the arena, drowning out even the loudest cheers for Trump or Biden. It remains unclear who Brandon is or what his platform is, but his name seems to be catching on with the UFC crowd.

“I think Brandon is the future of American politics,” said Steve Woods, an attendee of the event that evening. “He’s got the support of the people, and he’s not afraid to speak his mind.”

While it remains to be seen whether Brandon will actually run for president in 2024, one thing is clear: the UFC crowd is ready for a new kind of politician, one who isn’t beholden to either major party and who can bring people together in a way that Trump or Biden never could.

As for Trump, he seemed to be enjoying the event, waving to the crowd and soaking in the chants of “USA! USA!” But as the night went on, even he couldn’t help but wonder who this mysterious Brandon character was and what he could bring to the table.

“Who knows, maybe I’ll endorse Brandon in 2024,” said Trump with a grin. “After all, he seems to have the support of the people.”

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