
Texas Pastor Claims Trump’s Hush Money Payments to Porn Star are Moral Right, Urges Others to Support Him For Shared Christian Values

In a controversal sermon delivered to his congregation in Texas last Sunday, Pastor Bob Johnson declared that former President Donald Trump has a “moral right” to privacy in the hush money payments he made to a porn star he had an affair with while married to his third wife.

“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone,” preached Pastor Johnson. “Who among us hasn’t paid off a porn star to keep quiet about an extramarital affair? I know I have, and I’m sure many of you have too. Dean, I’m sure you remember Star from Houston.”

The pastor went on to explain that Christians should support Trump because he shares their values.

“Donald Trump is a true Christian. He’s pro-life, he opposes gay marriage, and he’s a strong supporter of Israel. These are the things that matter to us as Christians,” Johnson said.

When asked about the fact that Trump has been divorced twice and has a history of sexual misconduct allegations against him, Johnson replied, “God forgives those who repent, and Donald Trump has repented. He’s a changed man now, and we need to forgive him just as God has.”

The congregation was reportedly divided over the pastor’s controversial remarks, with some members walking out in protest and others staying to hear him out.

Outside the church, protesters gathered with signs reading, “Jesus didn’t pay off porn stars” and “Morality isn’t a partisan issue.”

Critics have slammed Pastor Johnson’s sermon as an example of how some Christians have abandoned their moral principles in order to support a political figure.

In response to the backlash, Pastor Johnson issued a statement saying, “I stand by my sermon. I believe that Christians should support Donald Trump and his policies, even if he’s made mistakes in the past. We’re all sinners, and we all need forgiveness.”

As for Trump himself, he reportedly tweeted his approval of the pastor’s words, saying, “Great job, Pastor Bob! You’re a true patriot and a man of God. Keep up the good work!”

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