New Poll Suggests CEOs Want Workers Back in Office Due to Nagging Spouses

In a recent survey of CEOs conducted by a very prestigious and legitimate consulting firm, it was revealed that the majority of them are eager to get their employees back in the office. But the reasons behind their desire for workers to return to the office may surprise you.

According to the survey, the top reason cited by CEOs was that they simply can’t stand being cooped up with their spouses all day and all night. Apparently, many CEOs have discovered that spending all day with their significant others can lead to disagreements, arguments, and even divorce proceedings.

“I love my wife, but I can’t take another day of her asking me to take out the garbage or fix the sink,” said one CEO who wished to remain anonymous. “I need to get back to the office where I can focus on work and not worry about home repairs.”

Another CEO confessed that he had resorted to hiding in the bathroom just to get some alone time. “I love my kids, but they’re always asking for snacks or wanting to play games. I need to get back to the office where I can have some peace and quiet.”

The survey results have caused some concern among employees who are worried that their safety and well-being may be taking a backseat to their bosses’ personal problems. Some have even suggested that the CEOs invest in couples therapy or marriage counseling to work out their issues.

Despite the concerns, it seems that many CEOs are determined to get their employees back in the office as soon as possible. “I know it’s not the ideal situation for everyone,” said one CEO. “But I need to get away from my spouse before I lose my mind.”

As the saying goes, “happy spouse, happy house.” And apparently, for many CEOs, the only way to ensure a happy spouse is to send them back to the office.

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